unit 5 individual project for itco231

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Assignment Description

You will now have an opportunity to complete a variety of lessons together. Specifically, you will add data to your database and you will write SQL Select statements for each table. You will describe briefly whether or not this database is normalized.

Add data to your database and validate that your records loaded properly. In tabular format, include 3 rows for each table, making sure that the primary key and foreign key relationships are properly applied.

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Next, perform queries using JOIN syntax of the database.

  • Task 1: Create 3 rows of data for each table ensuring that the referential integrity is valid.
  • Task 2: Create a SELECT query for every table that displays all the columns and shows all three rows. Take a screen shot that shows each query and its output.
  • Task 3: Write SELECT statements for the following (include a screenshot of the SQL and its execution, including the resulting data):
    • Display the employee id, contact id, first_name, middle name, last_name, and phone number for all employees.
      • Rows returned
    • Display the employee id, contact id, first_name, middle name and last_name, and email address for all employees.
      • Rows returned
    • Display the employee id, contact id, first_name, middle name, last_name, phone number, and email address for all employees.
      • Rows returned

Combine all of the DDL/SQL statements (text only), diagram and screenshots into a single Word document.

At the beginning of your Word document, briefly describe whether or not the database is normalized. Summarize your thoughts regarding referential integrity. Support your statements.

Describe your thoughts about the data organizational architecture and considerations or issues associated with the design.

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