should i consider the good of others when making decisions or only my own good under kant view

How would you answer this question under Kant’s point of view

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Nietzsche’s answer to the question “Does being an existentialist mean you must also believe

everything is morally permitted?” is the most resounding “yes”. For Nietzsche, there are two kinds

of people: individuals and herd animals. Individuals employ consistent and well thought out style to

become the exact person they want to be. To Nietzsche, this is the ultimate path of a human being

living in the age of the death of god, and anything that might get in the way of this path is less

important. This includes morality. If there is an action that you want to take because it helps you

exert your style and become the person you want to be, then the morality of that action is

secondary. For Nietzsche, absolute freedom is the greatest mark of being an individual and morality

can be a barrier to that.

Nietzsche does have thoughts on the origin of morality and its place in the world. Nietzsche,

who does not believe in god, does not believe that there is a morality that flows from god. Instead,

he believes our sense of morality flows from the society that we live in. While Nietzsche praises

individuals, he also laments our tendency towards the other side of the spectrum: the become herd

animals. To him, humans have a tendency to think about what is best or right for the herd (their

society) instead of what is best or right for them. He believed that one of the primary tools that

traps us in this way of thinking is morality. Nietzsche famously wrote “morality is herd instinct in

the individual”. He is saying that morality is the force that draws us to think of others instead of our

own best interests. When you consider that for Nietzsche such thinking went against the ultimate

goal of perusing individual style, it makes sense to say that for Nietzsche morality should have no

effect on one’s decisions. Thus, in the name of becoming the ultimate version of yourself, everything

is morally permitted.

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