research paper on the role that women played during the american revolution

I need to write a research paper for my Women’s History course. The paper must be 1600-1800 words. I have attached the rubric for the paper. I have also attached 10 of the 10 resources that are required for the paper. Please try to use them for the assignment as well. The paper is on the role that women played during the American Revolution. The paper must be in APA format.

This is the thesis I have created for the assignment: During the American Revolution (1775-1783), women played a role in a variety of ways, including the creation of organizations, becoming “camp followers,” and by gathering intelligence for the Patriot cause. (Please edit this if you would like).

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“Limit direct quotations to no more than 10% of your overall paper. Your paper should be properly cited with in-text citations/footnotes and a full references page at the end of your paper.” (These are the main factors when doing the paper).

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