points that partition segments quiz

1) Find the length of stack S T with bar on top on the number line below.

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A. 5

B. -10

C. 10

D. 2

2) Find the length of stack A B with bar on top if A = (-3, 5) and B = (2, 1). Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

A. 6.4

B. 4.1

C. 8.1

D. 5

3) Find the length of stack P Q with bar on top if P = (8, -­4) and Q = (­-3, ­-4). Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

A. 13.6

B. 11

C. 5

D. 9.4

4) On the number line below, find the coordinates of point U such that the length of stack R U with bar on top is bevelled 2 over 3 the length of stack R T with bar on top from R to T.

A. 8

B. -2

C. 2

D. 0

5) On the number line below, find the coordinates of P such that the length of stack L P with bar on top is bevelled 4 over 5 the length of stack L N with bar on top from L to N.

A. -2

B. 1

C. 8

D. 4

6) Points X(6, 4) and Y(-4, -16) are the endpoints of stack X Y with bar on top. What are the coordinates of point Z on stack X Y with bar on top such that XZ is bevelled 4 over 5 the length of stack X Y with bar on top?

A. (-2, -12)

B. (14, 20)

C. (4, 0)

D. (-12, -32)

7) Find the coordinates of O on the number line below such that O partitions stack M N with bar on top such that MO:ON is in a 3:4 ratio.

A. 8

B. 5.25

C. 3

D. 2

8) On the coordinate plane below, find the coordinates of S such that stack V S with bar on top is 1 fourth the length of stack V U with bar on top


A. (3,2)

B. (-3, 4)

C. (0,3)

D. (9,0)

9) Find the coordinates of P along the directed line segment of AB so that the ratio of AP:PB is 3:2.

A. (1.4, 1.2)

B. left parenthesis bevelled 5 over 3 comma bevelled fraction numerator 5 over denominator 3 right parenthesis end fraction

C. (0.6, -0.2)

D. left parenthesis bevelled 1 third comma bevelled 2 over 3 right parenthesis

10) On the coordinate plane below, find the coordinates of R such that stack Q R with bar on top is bevelled 1 fifth the length of stack Q T with bar on top from Q to T.

A. (-1, -1)

B. (3.2, 1.8)

C. (-2.2, -1.8)

D. (-5.8, -4.2)

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