discussion 811

Requirements: 2paragraphs and Using your own words (No citation)

Rise of the Super-competitor

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Please read the attached article from Strategy+Business Magazine titled: The New Supercompetitors. Note the number of food and consumer goods companies illustrated in the article. Over the past decade major international food companies have arisen through mergers and acquisitions. There are distinct strategies that have driven these actions.


  • What do you think drives organizations to acquire or jettison major divisions as noted in the article?
  • In light of your prior readings, how would you categories the strategies at work in the article?
  • What light does this knowledge about supercompetitors shed on your own career and future in foodservice? Do you think the trends will continue? Are extremely large global companies good or bad? Please be specific and detailed in your response. Use all you have learned to date to inform your writing.
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