can you create a counseling program

Book Review and Program Planning Paper: Develop a counseling program using the information provided in the Figler and Bolles’ book and your text book. Include What processes you would use for identifying and using career, avocation, education, occupational and labor market information. What approaches you would use for assessing the conditions of the work environment on the client’s life experiences? What strategies for career development, program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation are identified in the text book and supplemental reading? The body of this paper should be at least 5-7 pages and should be submitted in APA format.

Duane Brown (2016). Career information, career counseling, and career development. (11th ed.). Pearson, Boston.

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Figler, H., & Bolles, R. N. (2007).The Career Counselor’s Handbook. (2nd ed.) Berkley:Ten Speed Press.

Project:Book Review and Program Planning

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for students to understand the processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems; become familiar with approaches for assessing the conditions of the work environment on clients’ life experiences; and to develop strategies for assessing abilities, interests, values, personality and other factors that contribute to career development.




Needs Improvement


Quality of Content:60%

Part I:Summary of Book:The Career Counselor’s Handbook

Part II: Using this book, the text book, and one other source Include the following: What processes you would use for identifying and using career, avocation, education, occupational and labor market information. What approaches you would use for assessing the conditions of the work environment on the client’s life experiences? What strategies for career development, program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation are identified in the text book and supplemental reading?

Cites 3 sources. Book Summary is well developed and complete.Answers 90% of the questions posed under quality of content

Book Summary is well developed and complete and answers 80% of the questions posed in quality of content.

Book summary is fair and answers at least 70% of the question posed in quality of content

Summary is insufficient and answers less than 70% of the questions posed in quality of content.

Quality of Writing/Grammar:20%

Grammar, spelling, readability, flow and written in a formal paper style including formal third person tense

Consistent and appropriate formal writing style, sophisticated and precise word choice, no spelling errors, no errors in agreement or verb tense, no punctuation or capitalization errors, Writing flows well

Mostly consistent and appropriate for formal writing; does not include first person language, mostly effective word choice, less than 5 grammatical errors, meets most formal writing requirements, and paper flows well with only 2 or 3 awkward transitions.

Somewhat consistent and appropriate for formal writing, does not include first-person language, less than 7 grammatical errors, paper flow is difficult to follow with little or no transition from one component to the next.

More than 7 grammatical and or writing errors, difficult to read and understand, written in first or second person, very disjointed and does not flow well.

Formatting Requirements & APA Style:20%

Font and margins Running head and page numbers, title page, abstract page, headings, citations, and reference page

Meets all APA format requirements.

Minor errors in citations and general format, all sources cited in both paper and reference page.

Missing one or more formatting requirements, not all sources properly cited, multiple errors in citation format.

Multiple formatting mistakes, failed to cite sources, or inability to find sources, missing essential features running head, references, citations.

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