Video bonanza programming homework help

    1. For Chapter 11 Video Bonanza Case Study, continue with the project you developed in Chapter 7.
    2. That is, begin with your project folder Chapter 7, and make a copy of it. (Select it with the mouse, drag over slightly, press and hold the Control key, and release the mouse button.)
    3. You should have your original Chapter 7 folder and a new one titled Chapter 7 Copy.
    4. Right-click on the Chapter 7 Copy folder and rename it to Chapter 11. Then open the folder, locate the Project Solution (.SLN) file and double click that to launch Visual Studio.
  1. In addition,
    1. When the program starts use an OpenFileDialog to prompt the user for the file to open.
    2. When the form closes, use SaveFileDialog to prompt the user for the file when saving.

Modify your project from Chapter7 to save the changes to the movie combo box from one run to the next. When the program begins, load the list from the data file. If the file does not exist, display a message asking if the user wants to create it.Allow the user to save changes from a Savemenu item. When the program terminates, check to see if there are any unsaved changes. If so, prompt the user to save the changes.
Optional extra: Allow the user to select the file to open using the Open Filedialog box.
In addition,
When the program starts use an OpenFileDialog to prompt the user for the file to open.
When the form closes, use SaveFileDialog to prompt the user for the file when saving

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