type of intelligence

In this module we have been looking at the different descriptions of intelligence and the skill of thinking. To improve your critical thinking skill, you need to better understand the different types of intelligence you possess. This assignment will give you that insight.

Part 1. Your Type of Intelligence

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To improve your critical thinking skill, you need to better understand your intelligence and thinking style. This is called meta-cognition, or thinking about your thinking. Here is what I would like you to do:

First, In this module, return to Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory. Take the intelligence test towards the bottom of the page and use it to decide your primary intelligence style. Then answer the following:

1. Based on the tests, what is your primary style?(State your primary intelligent type). If there was a second style close to it, feel free to list that one too.

2. Describe in your own words that style.(At least 2 sentences describing your type of intelligence).

3. Give one reason why you agree or disagree that this is your style. (State if you agree or disagree with the result of Gardner’s Intelligence test and at least 2 sentences why).

Part 2. Your Emotional Intelligence

To improve your critical thinking skill, you need to better understand your emotional intelligence. Here is what I would like you to do.

Earlier in this module you will find the Page, “Emotional Intelligence.” Read again the description of emotional intelligence. Watch the videos and take one or more of the emotional intelligence tests and decide your level of emotional intelligence. Then in the box below answer the following:

1. Based on the tests, what is your level of emotional intelligence? (State the specific number you scored on the emotional intelligence test).

2. Do you agree or disagree with the results of the test and why? Make your answer complete, not just a one sentence, yes or no. (At least 2 sentences describing why you agree or disagree with the Emotional Intelligence test).

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