reflection paper on philosophy 4

Watch two audios AND two videos.(Attached Below)

Videos:”How To Choose A Partner Wisely” and “Love”.

Links to an external site.

Audio:Sartre on Emotions and Responsibility

and Sartre on Bad Faith

Please Watch two Video and Two Audio to answer the Questions, Please Follow the Rubric!!!!!! (above 800 words)

Respond to each question and sub-question separately. Make sure to first write out the question (copy/paste) so that the instructor can clearly know to which question you are responding. Each question is worth 20 points

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  • In your own words, discuss and critically analyze the major points in each of the audio and video.
  • In your own words, give at least two detailed examples accompanied with detailed explanations as to how they relate to society.
  • In your own words, give at least two detailed examples accompanied with detailed explanations as to how they relate to your personal life.
  • Finally, how, in your opinion, can the ideas discussed in the audios and videos be implemented in society and your own personal life?
  • What steps are necessary and how do you create or make those steps available so that those ideas can in a very practical way be implemented in society and your own personal life. Make sure you map out the steps in order.


A- Above Standards


B- Meets Standards


C- Approaching standards


D/F- Below standards


Class Discussions and explanations

Enthusiastically and articulately expresses ideas and actively listens and responds to peers; explanations are clear and complete and demonstrates good understanding of ideas.

Participates in class discussions voluntarily; at times, however, unengaged while others are speaking; explanations are clear and complete, but does not evidence full understanding

Participates in class discussions only when called upon; does not have a clear understanding of the discussion context; explanations are incomplete does not evidence full understanding.

Does not participate in class discussions; explanations are unclear and confusing.

Organization and mechanics of essay

Well-organized and meets all requirements; reflects clear reflection and expression of insights; nearly error-free reflecting clear understanding and thorough proof-reading.

Well- organized and meets most requirements; Ideas are contextually relevant; Occasional grammatical errors

Meets half of the requirements; relatively well-organized; however, ideas loosely related and many errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Unorganized and unclear

Frequent errors in spelling grammar, and punctuation


Fulfills minimum requirements and presents many new ideas that exceed the requirements.

Fulfills minimum requirements and presents many new and insightful ideas.

Fulfills minimum requirements with some new ideas and originality, but little follow-through.

Fulfills minimum requirements but with no originality.


Use of references indicating substantial research.

Use of references indicating some research.

Few references or some incorrect references.

No references or incorrect references.

Final Draft/Publication

Final draft shows clear evidence of thoughtful editing and revision.

Final draft shows clear evidence of editing and revision.

Final draft shows some evidence of editing and revision.

Final draft shows little to no evidence of editing and revision.

Audio of Sartre on Bad Faith:…

Audio of Sartre on Emotions and Responsibility:…

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