reading and discuss and write research support essay

  • Week 9’s Research & MLA discussion board is due on August 5. I encourage you to post earlier in the week rather than waiting until Sunday. Please note that there are MLA supplements as well as a sample MLA paper beneath Lecture Notes.
    Submission of Research-Supported essay on Fences is due on Friday, August 10.

    .MLA Supplementation

    Attached Files:

    Class, please click on the attached files for a brief overview of the updated 2016 version of MLA you are to use for your research essay on Fences. Please consult a college writer’s handbook with updated MLA if needed or forward documentation questions to me.

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    Sample MLA paper

    Attached Files:

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    Class, please click on the file for a sample MLA paper. This example demonstrates how to smoothly integrate sources within the body of your essay using clear signal phrases. It also demonstrates the two parts to MLA—the parenthetical documentation that occurs after any paraphrases and/or quotes from research within your essay and the Works Cited page.

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