oscar wilde thread english assignment help

Options for Posts

How to Post

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Option 1: Topic Starter

Click “Create Thread” in discussion board.

Read the discussion prompts carefully and provide a response to one of the questions. Be sure your response answers the entire prompt, in detail, and be sure that you have proofread carefully. Provide textual support.

You can submit one topic starter per discussion.

Option 2: Challenge

Read a classmate’s post, and click “Reply.”

Respectfully challenge a classmate’s response. Explain your disagreement in detail and provide textual support.


Option 3: Agree and Add New

Read a classmate’s post, and click “Reply.”

Agree with a classmate’s post. Explain why, in detail, and add new information or evidence. Provide textual support.


  • Do not plagiarize. Use only your own words and ideas to analyze the texts. The only sources you should use are the works of literature themselves.
  • Use MLA format for citations.
  • Proofread your posts.
  • You will be posting 3 times. Your first post will be one of the options above; your second and third posts will respond to a classmate’s post using Options 2 and/or 3. You must write substantive response posts. This means you have to do more than say you agree, disagree, or compliment what your classmates have said.
  • Be sure to specify which prompt you’re responding to if you submit an Option 1.
  • Review the grading rubric that will be used.

In the preface to The Picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wild wrote, “No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style.” He felt this way because he believed, “To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim.” (Wild 1732) He felt that it was not the artist job to simply express the art, not their opinions, thoughts or beliefs. He was a strong believer in “art for art’s sake.” (quoted from Wild 1720)

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