library research 8

Library Research Assignment ENC 1102 Please complete the library research project below utilizing the HCC library webpage, databases, and course LibGuide; applicable pages of your text books; the Internet; class lectures; and other materials as appropriate. All MLA formatting and guidelines apply, and this assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment. Please provide citations for all entries.

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1. Have you had any formal library instruction, prior to this course? If so, when did you have this instruction?

2. Locate and cite one single-author book on the subject of networking.

3. Accessing the Library Databases, use the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) to locate a definition for “hypocrite”; cut and paste one entry, and provide a citation.

4. Use the “Biography In Context” database to locate a biography on Willa Cather.

5. Using the HCC library databases, locate a critical article addressing the works of Guy de Maupassant and provide a citation.

6. Fill in the blanks from the paragraph, excerpted from the “Comparing Scholarly versus Popular Articles” source on one of the HCC campus library pages: In general, ____________articles are viewed as having more __________. Articles from the popular press are viewed as having ___________. This is why faculty often request students find “scholarly or academic journal”, not “popular magazine” articles for their research sources.

7. Using the HCC library databases, locate an article addressing any literary aspect of Jessie Fauset’s novel Plum Bun.

8. Using the HCC library databases, locate a critical article by Arnold Rampersad addressing the works of Langston Hughes.

9. Search the World Wide Web (WWW) to locate the American Memory project at the Library of Congress. Cite any film or collection from the site. 10. Locate and list five bibliographic entries for scholarly sources that could be used to support a Critical Analysis or Comparison/Contrast essay addressing the work/works of one of the following literary figures: William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Zora Neale Hurston, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Nella Larson, James Fenimore Cooper, Ralph Ellison, or Jean Toomer; be sure to use MLA format.

11. Locate and cite a periodical article from a scholarly source that critically analyzes any work by Toni Morrison.

12. Provide a citation for a book with more than one author.

13. Provide a citation for an anthology of American Literature with an editor.

14. Using either an online or hardcopy source, locate and excerpt five lines from Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Raven” and provide a citation.

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