importance of the human service professional

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the Reading and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.

Understanding the differences in one’s values is very important. Having an open mind regarding value differences can allow you to see things from a client’s perspective and provide better support for your clients. Your ability to demonstrate confidentiality and understand boundaries builds client trust

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In Chapters 4 and 5 of your textbook you read about the importance of the human service professional understanding the differences in one’s cultural values, and how these values influence the helping process. Acknowledging the difference in cultural values can allow you to see things from another perspective. As human service professionals, you must be aware of your own boundaries as well as client boundaries in order to allow for a healthy client relationship. As you read about cultural assumptions, think about and acknowledge what shapes your belief system and understanding, as this may influence the helping process. How important is self-disclosure and confidentiality? Can these benefit the helping process?

  • How might a human service professional demonstrate how transference and countertransference may occur in the helping process? Please identify and explain effective ways of dealing with transference and countertransference issues.
  • Based on your own personal experiences/issues, how might countertransference towards a client interfere in the helping process?
  • Human service professionals should maintain adequate safeguards when working with the client; communicating through verbal and nonverbal methods can reveal true thoughts and feelings. Describe how the client’s nonverbal communication may affect the helping process? How might human service professional self-disclosure affect the helping process?
  • What skills might you as a human service professional need in setting appropriate boundaries while working with a client? Why is this important?

Please remember to cite your work using APA format when referencing from the text or outside resources.

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