i need help with my computer application hw

Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file ppt02_grader_a1_Parks.pptx. Apply the Organic Design Theme and the dark wood Variant (second column, first row). Save the presentation as Last_First_ppt02_grader_a1_Parks.pptx.

On Slide 1, add the title Aspen Falls Parks Department and then resize the title font size to 44. Add the subtitle Seasonal Employee Program and resize the subtitle font size to 32.

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Add a new Slide 2 with the Two Content layout. Add the title Seasonal Positions.

In the text placeholder on the left, type four points: General Maintenance Worker and Activities Assistant and Horticultural Assistant and Visitor Guide. Resize the fonts to 24, if necessary.

Apply Hollow Square bullets to the four points. Using the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, adjust the bullet size to 90% of the size of the text.

Add the image ppt02_grader_a1_Park1 to the content placeholder on the right side of the slide.

Insert a new Slide 3 with the Section Header layout. Add the title Parks and Recreation Jobs. In the text placeholder, type Contact Leah Kim. Press ENTER and then type (805) 555 – 1410.

On Slide 3, with no placeholders selected, use the Format Background pane to insert the image ppt02_grader_a1_Park2 into the slide background, and then Hide Background Graphics. Adjust the Transparency to 75%.

On Slide 3, format the title Parks and Recreation Jobs as WordArt in the Fill – Black, Text 1, Outline – Background 1, Hard Shadow – Accent 1. Note, depending on the version of Office used, the WordArt name may be Fill: Black, Text color 1; Outline: White, Background color 1; Hard Shadow: Olive Green, Accent color 5. Increase the font size to 54.

Use the Format Painter to apply the formatting from the title Parks and Recreation Jobs to the lines in the subtitle Contact Leah Kim and (805) 555 – 1410. Adjust the font size to 40.

Insert a new Slide 4 with the Quote Name Card layout. In the quote placeholder at the top of the slide, type Our parks are among our greatest treasures; a jewel in California wine country. Include the period.

On Slide 4, select the quote placeholder and then increase the font size to 66 and apply Italic to the text.

Select the center text placeholder and delete it.

In the text placeholder toward the bottom of the slide, type Duncan Cheung, Park Operations Manager (no period).

On Slide 4, select the text Duncan Cheung, Park Operations Manager and change the font size to 32. Center the text and change the font color to Brown, Accent 1, Darker 50%. Change the Character Spacing to Loose.

Apply the Transition named Blinds to all of the slides in the presentation.

To the Notes & Handouts pages, add the Date and Time and set it to automatically update, page number, and the footer ppt02_a1_Parks to all pages.

Save and close the document. Submit the file as directed.

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