i need an essay please without plagiarism

  1. Working in teams is a requirement of everyday business practices, as future professionals it critical that you experience the opportunities and challenges of working with your peers. You will be required to submit a peerevaluation essay that will clearly describe your feedback working with you colleagues. In your submission please include the following: Introduction Describe your experiences to date and working in groups. How did your group approach your presentation and writing your paper?o What steps did you take to develop plan? What was your overall contribution? Number of meeting sessions your group had (phone, in-person, blackboard, Skype etc.) Your evaluation of each group member’s participation. o Rate each group members overall effort (Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor) for each rating explain why you selected this rating for your group member. What things could you all have done differently? What were the strengths of your group? What did you learn about group dynamics? Who was the major contributor and why? Rate your own contribution to the group and explain why.
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