final project 106

*For this project i have provided the outline, chart, and the rough draft. The outline is just fine and it is provided for your assistance, however i may need a new chart made. Please review the powerpoint slides which provides a rubric of what my professor is looking for and make any adjustments to the paper thats needed. I will need everything she is asking for on the rubric to reflect this paper. Below are the details of the project”

The project for this course is designed to allow you to utilize the knowledge and skills developed through each module to create a professional leadership change initiative to present to a struggling organization. You will utilize one of the contingency models for leading changed presented in the text to construct an effective organizational change structure.

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You will be presented with a struggling organization via case study. After you read the case study, you will be hired and contracted to “fix the mess.”

Having won out over several other candidates in the RFP process, you will work through each week’s module to build a change initiative to introduce and be implemented at the company. Weekly efforts should also be to prove you were indeed the right change initiator selected for this task.

Each week you will be presented with scenarios, traits, challenges, models as well as research opportunities to build and strategically incorporate into your final course project to be presented as a completed proposal

As organizations develop around the globe to increase their competitive edge, companies are moving further and further into e-leadership. It is becoming the norm to e-conference, conduct virtual staff meetings and even complete whole projects with a co-worker across the globe. To align with this global trend, you will further develop your marketability and leadership skills through peer on peer review of classmate project segments.

Each phase of the project will be completed in a progression of steps. The project will develop from an outline, to a draft, and then to the final presentation copy to be submitted at the end of Module 05.

Upon completion of your project, it will contain the following:

  • Contain a minimum 5 – 7 pages of content
  • The paper should contain a cover page, include both in text citations and a References page in APA format.
  • Include at least 4 peer-reviewed sources, such as journal articles from the Rasmussen Library.
  • Follow the format of your previously submitted Paper Outline
  • Provide an overview of the Case Study.
  • Provide the Contingency Model you selected as the solution to the case study.
  • Include the diagram or chart of chosen Contingency model.
  • Provide key examples of what you have learned from this Case Study
  • Provide a brief description of two separate Contingency Models that could be used to affect organizational change based on this case study.
    Project Case Study: A New Direction for Delta Pacific Introduction In a global business environment where organizations can no longer rely on traditional factors that historically lead to a competitive advantage such as access to proprietary technology, exclusive rights to raw materials, or proximity to customers and markets, many organizations have re-structured to capitalize on new success factors. In the United States that has resulted in a shift in many cases from product or service-based businesses to knowledge-based businesses (OECD, 1996; Powell & Snellman, 2004). Powell & Snellman (2004) define the key components of a knowledge economy as. .a greater reliance on intellectual capabilities than on physical inputs or natural resources.” (p. 201). This case presents the challenges facing an organization as it transitions from its traditional business model to one that incorporates greater reliance on the knowledge of its workforce. The focus of this case is on the role of the organizational behavioral system in facilitating a successful transition to the new corporate strategy. The Case Scenario he Delta Pacific Company (DPC) has a long history of success. The company has been at the fore front in the development of information technology since the 1970s and led the market in technology development, manufacturing and sales throughout the 1980s to the mid-1990s. DPC was a success story. They consistently met or exceeded their profit targets, successfully integrated new technology into their products, and they were considered one of the best employers in the country. With generous benefit packages, a high quality of work life, industry leading salaries, and a corporate culture that considered its employees to be part of a family, potential employees were lined up for opportunities to join DPC. However, with the advent of globalization, freer trade, and low cost overseas labor, DPC found itself slowly losing market share for its primary product: computer hardware. DPC had prided itself on producing and selling the best products and training its sales force to develop long term relationships with clients that brought them back year in and year out for DPC’s technology. Along with hardware, DPC also sold service contracts and training classes for the end users of their products. By the late 1990s it became clear to the leadership at DPC that they could no longer compete with less expensive products being produced overseas. At one time they could sell their higher priced goods on the premise that they were of higher quality, but that was no longer the case. Foreign-made products were now being produced to match or even surpass the quality standards set by DPC. However, conversations between sales representatives and their clients did indicate one thing: the clients valued the personal interaction they had with the sales reps and the personalized advice that they could provide to their clients to help them to reach their goals. DPC recognized that they needed to make a change and they believed they had a new vision for their company. As they entered the 21st century DPC moved away from hardware solutions to business challenges and shifted instead towards knowledge-based solutions. Rather than selling equipment, DPC began to market the extensive knowledge of their workforce. DPC would no longer sell the equipment; they would instead provide integrated knowledge-based solutions to information management problems. Essentially they would become a consulting firm that would assist their clients to set up systems that would facilitate information management. But now their solutions would go beyond hardware and encompass software, organizational design, data collection management, work flow and overall information management re-engineering. Sales reps underwent significant training to prepare them for their new roles. However, the redesigned jobs were not a good fit for all of the sales reps. some moved on to other types of positions within the company, but others left to pursue opportunities elsewhere. As expected, profitability declined during the initial introduction of this new organization mission as employees became accustomed to their new roles. Due to the time taken to train employees, they were spending less time in the field with their clients generating revenue and more time in the classroom being oriented to their new roles. However, the decline persisted much longer than anticipated and the company’s leadership team, board of directors and the shareholders were growing impatient with the slow returns. It became increasingly apparent that while the training, resources, and equipment were in place, significant changes in the organizational behavior system at DPC were necessary to ensure long term success.
    Project – Part 1 – Project Overview

    In a 1-page summary, give an overview of the Delta Pacific case study, listing at least three key takeaways of what you gleaned from the study. Share two separate contingency models that could be used to affect the organizational change and share which model you plan to use as your part of your change initiative.
    Project – Part 2 – Outline

    Now it’s time to create an outline of your paper. The outline should consist of the following:

    • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Thesis
    • Supporting Topics/Ideas (a minimum of three)
    • Recommendations (a minimum of two)
    • Conclusion
    • References

    For content this week, review the issues at Delta Pacific and select your change model. Determine which leadership style will be implemented through your change initiative. This observation should be noted within your project proposal
    Reflecting upon your Module 02 Discussion post, utilize your response to create a chart or diagram representing the change model that you are implementing -make sure to create a comparative demonstrating showing the old model against your new change plan.

    Example: If you have chosen to use Fiedler’s Contingency Model as the change model to utilize with your project, your chart will reflect how your will create organization change based upon the model’s situational leadership style and situational favorableness.

    Once you have created your change model chart, write a short description of its elements.

    Note: The chart will be included in your final project proposal.

    Example of Charts:

    remarks from teacher about my rough draft:

    This assignment required two basic parts. First, you need to re-submit your outline (2-3 pages in length total) and then, second, you need the academic writing that took that outline to a first draft level for the full plan that is to be presented in Week 5. The outline being included was worth 10 points. The writing/draft was worth 85 points. That would include the Introduction, Overview (similar to earlier work) and then your thesis with support all leading to a recommendation and conclusion. Your outline was not included and this was submitted one day tardy; 20 points deductions stemmed from those two. Your draft needs some editing and clarity. You can achieve some clarity by using headings & subheadings — that will help you create neater “buckets” of information.I want to point out that the final plan will include the details you already offered, less the outline but plus the chart; the chart will be worth 15% of the final plan and will not include what you presented the “chart only” assignment. You need to seamlessly add it into this draft and then edit, edit, edit and polish the final plan. Please be sure to review the final rubric so you know what must be included but also please wait and view my Week 5 lecture before you submit the final plan. I will be highlighting and sharing tactics to maximizing points earned

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