discussion replies 12

I need a reply to the following discussion posts. Needs to have an in-text citation and should be approximately 2 paragraphs. This does not need a title page, and one reference is sufficient. Please make sure there is an open-ended question at the end.

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Discussion One

Question: To prepare for this discussion, please carefully review the compensation arrangements made for Eugene Isenberg from the “Executive Compensation at Nabors Industries: Too Much, Too Little or Just Right?” case you read for this week. Please also consider the financial implications for the firm.

Was Eugene Isenberg fairly compensated at Nabors Industries? If not, what issues do you have with his compensation and why?

Need a response to my Professor!!!

Reply to the following: Nice discussion and interactions thus far; well I certainly think everyone deserves to receive the appropriate compensation based on position and performance. But when is enough, enough? Hodgson (2015) estimates top CEOs make more than 300 times the average worker and that over the past 36 years this represents almost a 1000% increase. With that said, was Eugene Isenberg over compensated for the restructuring and success of Nabors Industries? I don’t think so; however; I do think he was smart not to take the $100M severance package for simply retiring (Larcker & Tayan, 2007).

How about Jon Corzine, MF Global, and his $8M compensation and $12M severance of a company head for collapse (Hargreaves, 2011)? What if you have a joint CEO/Chairman that is overpowering and controls the direction of the company without any pushback from other Board members.

Do you think Jamie Dimon’s, with JPMorgan Chase & Company, position and performance is work $29.5M (Melin, Son, & Zhao, 2018)?

Hargreaves, S. (2011, December 22). MF Global chief Corzine won’t see golden parachute. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/02/news/companies/mf_global_corzine/index.htmLinks to an external site.

Hodgson, P. (2015, June 22). Top CEOs make more than 300 times the average worker. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/2015/06/22/ceo-vs-worker-pay/Links to an external site.

Larcker, D. F., & Tayan, B. (2007, February 10). Executive compensation at Nabors Industries: Too much, too little, or just right? (Stanford Graduate School of Business). HBP No. CG5-PDF-ENG. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Melin, A., Son, H., & Zhao, J. (2018, January 18). JPMorgan boosts Dimon’s pay 5.4% to $29.5 million for 2017. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-18/jpmorgan-boosts-dimon-s-pay-5-4-to-29-5-million-for-last-yearLinks to an external site.

Discussion two

Question: Please review what Kathleen Eisenhardt has to say about ‘agency theory’ and its implications for managerial behavior. As defined, agency theory suggests that the agent cannot be trusted to always act in the interest of the principle. Do you agree that this is always true? Why/why not?

Need a response to my Professor!!!

Reply to the following: Shouldn’t we have trust and confidence in those we hire as fiduciaries? Isn’t this the reasoning behind our vetting process? What role, if any do ethics play to counter agency theory?

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