discussion post on psychological evaluation use in law enforcement

No Plagiarism. Critical thinking required. Research required of provided sited references. Please site references. At least 1 page.

Read Dantzker’s 2011 article, “Psychological Preemployment Screening for Police Candidates: Seeking Consistency If Not Standardization,” from Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, volume 42, issue 3, pages 276–283

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Read Gallo and Halgin’s 2011 article, “A Guide for Establishing a Practice in Police Preemployment Postoffer Psychological Evaluations,” from Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, volume 42, issue 3, pages 269–275.

Psychological Evaluation Use in Law Enforcement

In this unit’s articles, Dantzker, Gallo, and Halgin discuss pre-employment screenings. They also explore how and if the pre-employment screening of police officers are effective and/or useful as it relates to selecting police officers. With the media’s increasing attention to police brutality, there is an increasing concern about the screening of mental health with police officers. For this discussion, respond to the following:

  • How do personality instruments aid in the selection of police officers?
  • Why are psychological evaluations important in determining a police applicant’s suitability for hire? Are these screenings valid and reliable?

Support your thinking with information from credible sources.


Undergraduate Psychology Discussion Participation Scoring Guide

Due Date: weekly
Percentage of Course Grade: 30%.

To better understand the discussion rubric and how you can earn all possible points, please see the Undergraduate Psychology Writing Resources linked here.

Undergraduate Psychology Discussion Participation Grading Rubric
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Address the discussion questions and apply relevant theories, concepts, and examples. Develop ideas and support with evidence from credible sources. Attribute credit to sources.
Does not address the questions or apply relevant theories, concepts, examples, and evidence from professional sources, or credit to sources is missing. Partially addresses the discussion questions, and applies some concepts, theories, examples, or evidence from credible sources, but ideas are not fully developed. Attempts to attribute credit to sources. Addresses the discussion questions and applies relevant theories, concepts, and examples. Develops ideas and support with evidence from credible sources. Attributes credit to sources. Thoroughly addresses the questions and applies relevant theories, concepts, and examples. Ideas are fully developed and supported with information from credible sources. Attributes credit to sources.
Format in-text citations and references according to APA style.
Provides only in-text citations or full references for sources, but not both. Formats in-text citations and references for sources according to APA style, with missing or incorrectly ordered information. Formats in-text citations and references for sources according to APA style, with only punctuation errors. Formats in-text citations and references for all sources according to APA style.
Submit the main discussion post by the due date.
Submits the main discussion post three or more days past the due date. Submits the main discussion post two days past the due date. Submits the main discussion post one day past the due date. Submits the main post on or before the due date.
Respond to at least two other learners’ posts to advance the discussion topic through explanation, questions, examples, or additional resources.
Does not respond to at least two other learners’ posts to advance the discussion topic through explanation, questions, examples, or additional resources. Responds to one other learner’s post to advance the discussion topic through explanation, questions, examples, or additional resources. Responds to at least two other learners’ posts to advance the discussion topic through explanation, questions, examples, or additional resources. Responds to at least two other learners’ posts over two or more days in the discussion week to advance the discussion topic through explanation, questions, examples, or additional resources.
Use proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
Multiple errors in spelling, grammar, or mechanics impacting readability of the work. Uses proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics, with minor errors. Uses proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Demonstrates exemplary academic writing, with proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

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