course project task v first draft of literature review

Assignment 1: Course Project Task V/First Draft of Literature Review

For Assignment 1, you will submit your first draft of the literature review using a minimum of 10 sources gathered over the weeks. The purpose of conducting and writing a literature review is to provide an evaluative discussion of the existing research related to your proposed study and gathered thus far, highlight the gaps that remain in the literature, and establish a context and theoretical basis for your study.

As you begin writing this draft of the literature review, consider the following guidelines:

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  • You are writing to inform/educate your audience. Who is your audience? How much do they know about your research topic?
  • You are trying to convince your audience you are competent as a researcher, dealing with your topic and proposed research question. You do this by evaluating and integrating/synthesizing the literature, by examining and naming the patterns existing among the articles, and by discussing the studies you consider strongest within the body of literature you have reviewed.
  • You also do this by stating clearly in the beginning your research topic and your proposed research question, a succinct statement of the significance of this topic and question–and, as always your purpose for writing this literature review and your map of the themes/major concepts you intend to evaluate and synthesize.
  • You identify the weaknesses and/or gaps you found in the literature, as well as the researchers’ suggestions for additional research. A weakness or a gap may be small; for example, a certain population may not have yet been researched for your topic.
  • You give clear credit for direct quotes and ideas not original to you. Be overly cautious to avoid plagiarism, using Turnitin as a form of feedback that you have done this well.
  • A perfect literature review does not exist in a first draft. Submitting a first draft provides you with feedback from your instructor, and it supports your efforts to perfect your literature review .
  • Many writers of literature reviews concentrate on the body of their literature review first and then write the introduction and the summary near the end of their writing. This can be useful, if you are absolutely clear about your purpose for writing this literature review and have your research question clearly written and in front of you, as you state and develop your themes.
  • Allow time (12–24 hours) to put your first draft aside, prior to submitting it to your instructor. Reread your first draft with a fresh mind, and then make any minor adjustments. Use the spell check function on your computer to review your first draft. Proofread your paper in addition to using spell check. And…if at all possible, ask someone to read your paper out loud while you listen, to be as sure as possible that you are very clear in what you are saying.

Manuscript Preparation Reminders

Paper Size:

8.5” x 11”


12 pt. Times Roman or 12 pt. Courier


Minimum of 1” for top, bottom, left, and right margins


10–14 pages



Paragraph Indents:

5–7 spaces; 1st line of each paragraph is indented

Page Numbers:

In Arabic numerals in upper-right-hand corner; first from right-hand edge of page

Reference Page:

Must follow APA format

Title Page:

Must follow APA format

Write your first draft of the literature review in a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages as a Word document. In your literature review, you should have done the following:

  • Begun with an introduction that showed the significance of the topic as well as its historical context and/or how it fits in the broader scholarly literature in this field, while also clearly stating the research topic and the research question [in question form], your purpose for this literature review and the map of the major themes that will form the body of the paper.
  • Integrated and evaluated the literature, dividing the body into the patterns you have found within the articles you reviewed. Note: You should have a minimum of 10 articles for your review, shown on the Reference page; at least 1/2 should be empirical studies, indicated by using **.
  • Discussed which studies you considered stronger and your rationale
  • Identified the gaps in the literature and the suggestions for future research, mentioned by researchers.
  • Evaluated and synthesized the literature you chose.
  • Given credit for direct quotes and ideas not original to you, using careful quotation and citation format, as needed.
  • Avoided plagiarism, cautiously and judiciously.
  • Ended with a summary that restated the purpose and map, while giving an overall evaluation of what you considered the most important elements of this review.
  • Used spell check to review the first draft and proofread after using spell check.
  • Had another reader review your paper, possibly out loud, with you carefully listening for the clarity and sense making.

By the due date assigned, submit your first draft of the literature review in Word document format to the Submissions Area. Name your file W7000_M6_A1_lastname_firstinitial.doc.

You will receive feedback from your facilitator on your literature review by the beginning of Module 7. Based on the feedback received and the Turnitin report, you will make corrections and revisions during Module 7 to prepare your final submission of your literature review by the end of Module 7.

Review the originality report and make sure all borrowed material has been accurately cited and appropriately paraphrased or quoted
to prepare your final submission of your literature review by the end of Module 7.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Introductory paragraph[s]: Clearly stated the research topic and question [question format]; explained the significance of the topic, in the broader scholarly literature and/or in historical context; provided a clear purpose of the literature review, and a map of the themes, being certain to use these themes as the level two headings in the body


Sub headings clearly matched the themes stated in the map. Each paragraph had clear topic sentences that followed the sub heading, stating the themes/patterns and in a statement of what you intended to analyze/synthesize within that theme area, clearly identifying how each theme and/or pattern related to the research topic and research question.


Identified a theory base or conceptual framework; highlighted its relevance to your research question.


Evaluated the literature and analyzed the relationships and differences among related studies..


Identified and explained the gaps you found in the literature, as well as some areas for additional study, as suggested by researchers.


Chose a minimum of 10 references for the literature review that were clearly related to the research question.


Summarized the literature review and included all significant points in your own summary paragraph at the end, also returning to your purpose and map, to bring closure to your literature review draft.


Displayed accurate APA style and format by presenting information in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship with accurate in-text citations and references; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation–especially careful use of past-tense and active [not passive] verbs, as appropriate; included well-formatted title and Reference pages.
Included a minimum of 10 articles on your References page, marking research-based ones with an * asterisk.



Module 6 Overview

Presented a quote by Margaret Atwood,
Provides the learning outcomes on which the readings and assignments for this module are based.
  • Engage in ethical scholarship and utilize appropriate citation and referencing skills associated with dissertation and scholarly writing to avoid plagiarism/matching text.
  • Apply advanced academic writing skills and the American Psychological Association (APA) style to develop a literature review based on the chosen research question.

During Module 6, you will be submitting the first draft of your literature review. A literature review provides you with an opportunity to discuss your knowledge about the relevant theories you have identified about your research topic. While reviewing the literature, did you find any authors who wrote more than one article about your topic? To describe the importance of your topic, did you include any significant statistics or demographics, as identified from your information literacy assignment (M2: Assignment 1) in Module 2? Did you restate your research topic in the introduction, and did you conclude with a summary?

Did you take the time to reread and proofread your paper, even after using the spelling checker? As a reminder, you will receive feedback from your instructor and have an opportunity to revise your literature review, which is due at the end of Module 7.

The following objectives of literature reviews will help you finalize your first draft of the literature review:

Well-written reviews of literature demonstrate deep, yet broad-based knowledge and expertise concerning the research topics.

Knowledge and theories relevant to a topic are critically evaluated and synthesized in literature reviews.

Theoretical and conceptual frameworks are examined and supported by seminal authors, books, and relevant academic journal articles.

The importance of the topic and/or the benefits of studying the topic are supported by demographics and current statistics presented in the literature.

While reviewing the literature, gaps and controversies are identified, and recommendations are made for additional research done by other researchers.

You will be writing many lengthy papers in your doctoral coursework, and although they will not be titled reviews of literature, you will be using many of the same skills that you used to complete this assignment. Taking the time to consider what you have learned about the process and about yourself in the writing that you completed, will be time well spent.


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