Child or adolescent groups Reading reflections help

Reading Reflection on reading related to leading child or adolescent groups

Choose assigned group articles and respond as follows questions below after summarizing the reading

Jackson, T. (2002). Why have a discussion? And four steps to a great discussion. In T. Jackson,

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Conducting group discussions with kids: A leader’s guide for making activities meaningful

(pp.7-24).Cedar City, UT: Active Learning Center, Inc.

Mishna, F. & Muskat, B. (2004). I’m not the only one! Group Therapy for older children and adolescents who have learning disabilities. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,

54(4), 455-476.

Ware, J.N., Ohrt, J.H., & Swank, J. M. (2012). A Phenomenological Exploration of Children’s

Experiences in a Social Skills Group. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 37(2), 133-


Connections: How do the textbook readings or article readings connect to what you have already learned in class or to your experiences prior to this class?

Challenges: How do the readings or articles challenge your thinking or beliefs? What new ideas extend or broaden your thinking in new directions?

Concepts: Identify the top 3-5 key concepts that are important to remember from your readings this week. Please define each concept. .

Changes: What changes in your attitudes, thinking, or action would you need to make to apply what is suggested in your readings?

Be specific.

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