career research 3 pages


Your goal in the second half of this class is to create a report that gives current undergraduate students in your field of study advice about how to pursue their careers during and after college. You have the information that you gained from the interviews of faculty and alumni that you did, so now you will gather more information about career advice for undergrads and recent grads and prepare a report that your colleagues in your major can read. You will create the report and also an explanatory document in which you explain what you learned in your research and how that affected your report.

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Your audience will be the other students in your major as well as faculty who will be reading over your work. Thus you must consider what will make your report attractive to your colleagues to read and believe but also be acceptable to faculty.

This may sound like a boring report in which you plug in boilerplate info that you get from the internet, or, alternately, you may feel that writing this report is an intimidating project that is asking you to approach a problem that is way too big for an undergrad to think about. But the truth is that you are writing a document that explains the issue to other people in your field of study, and so you should base your choices of what to include in and research for this document on what you want to know for yourself. You may need to research the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s Occupational Outlook Handbook for your career , resources from sites like Harvard Business Review, The Muse, LinkedIn, and other resources about your career that you can find or that are recommended to you by your interviewees. In all cases, you must soak up career advice from various sources, check it against other sources, narrow the advice down to a particular issue if possible, and decide how students at Western would like to hear this info and what it would take for you to get them to believe you.

It will take work; the people you will be talking to know more about careers than you do, and so you will have to ask them what sort of research will support their advice and will be believable to students in your major. Maybe just “get an internship” is not detailed enough to get Western students to act, and so you must look to the internet to find studies on just how much an internship increases the chances of you getting a job post-graduation.

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