Analysis 4 Solution Comparison business and finance homework help

Analysis #4: Solution Comparison

Demonstrate your ability to compare and evaluate proposed solutions to a problem. Do this by:

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● Reading case study 6.4 Closing the Deal…

(pp.234-236).● Presenting an argument in favor of Jean McGuire using the psychological closing technique.○ The argument should make use of relevant, specific features of the case.○ The argument should make use of some explicit moral claim, e.g., it is wrong to lie.● Presenting an argument against Jean McGuire using the psychological closing technique.○ The argument should make use of relevant, specific features of the case.○ The argument should make use of some explicit moral claim, e.g., it is wrong to lie.● Explaining which of the two solutions you think is better and why.Further Instructions:● Your analysis should be printed in double-spaced 12 point times new roman (or similar).● Your analysis should be two paragraphs long and between 300 and 400 words.● Staple this assignment sheet at the end of your analysis (I use it for grading).● Turn this assignment in at the beginning of class the day it is due.● It may be helpful to imagine yourself giving Jean McGuire advice along the lines of, “On the one hand, there are these reasons TO use the

technique, on the other hand, there are these reasons to NOT use the technique, but all things considered, you should do…”

Understanding the Rubric (on the back): The numbers next to the areas, e.g. (x.4), indicate the weight of each area. Thus, an area with a weight of(x.4) is twice as important as one with a weight of (x.2). For example:

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