a class discussion on the site edgar

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with the most comprehensive source of company financial and operating information available for public companies – that is the SEC website that contains the various filings referred to in the document you have just read. That site is EDGAR and can be accessed by just going to your search engine and typing in EDGAR. It will take you to that sec.gov website that contains all the SEC filings for all companies. On the homepage, use the “search company name” and input the name of the company you have selected (you must have the exact spelling). This will take you to a list of every form filed by them. To get the most current, click on the “next forty” until you come forward to the one you are looking for. You are looking for their most recent form 10-K. Your posting requirement is to comment on the basic information you find available there, and should include the date of the last 10-K (year ended) report and some specific financial and general information you find there about the company – be specific about the financial information relative to what we have covered in the course so far. You will find all four basic financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, statement of shareholder equity and cash flow statement) in addition to much additional information about the company – this is the source of your information.

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