8 follow the requirements to write 300words answer

Answer the following questions in a minimum of 150 words each. Use complete sentences and correct grammar and spelling. Use APA formatting to cite resources appropriately.

At least one reference required for each question

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1. Compare and contrast situational influences and dispositional influences and give an example of each. Explain how situational influences and dispositional influences might explain inappropriate behavior.

2. Name and describe at least three social roles you have adopted for yourself. Why did you adopt these roles? What are some roles that are expected of you, but that you try to resist?

3. Consider recent news stories on race and sex. Some people are more willing to openly display prejudice regarding sexual orientation than prejudice regarding race and gender, or maybe the other way around; some people are more willing to openly display prejudice regarding race than prejudice towards sexual orientation. Speculate why this might be. Use what you learned in this lesson to support your response.


All the work has to be 100 percent original.

Any guides/existing papers you find on internet will definitely not be accepted

Any kind of plagiarism will definitely not be accepted.

Please read all requirement very very carefully and make sure it follows the instruction very well.

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