500 750 word forum post criminal justice topic with works cited

This week’s forums will focus on understanding the historical perspective on the sexual exploitation of children and their victimization; as well as some of the crime categories that fall under this umbrella. Students should also study the characteristics and typologies of offenders.

1.Discuss difficulty in defining the term sexual exploitation of children. How has our view as a society changed throughout history to better understand this kind of victimization? In your view, what is the most dangerous ‘type’ of child sex offender?

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2.To effectively investigate and prosecute cases involving sexual exploitation of children by acquaintance child molesters, four behavioral concepts of this child sexual victimization must be understood. What are they? Assess their significance.

3.What are acquaintance-exploitation cases?

Instructions: Each response should be between 500-750 words. A minimum of two peer reviewed references need to be used in the development of your answer.

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