1 04 make small easy coat of arms

Step 1: Research heraldic symbols of the Royal Coat of Arms of King James I and answer the Royal Coat of Arms Investigation Questions in complete sentences.

Step 2:

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  • Incorporate what you have learned about heraldic colors and symbols to design your shield.
  • Also, give it a modern twist by including symbols that represent your current interests (a golden eagle listening to an iPod, for example).

You can use any program you’d like to create your shield, including:

  • design software on your computer
  • web 2.0 tools

Write a paragraph of at least five sentences explaining how all of the elements included (shape, color, and symbols) are representative of your life and your values. (Obviously since you don’t know me you can make it up, just make it up like “intregity” “Purtiy” idk) Your paragraph should include proper grammar, punctuation, and other language conventions.

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